How to Help My ADHD Child?

Understanding the ADHD child

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood psychological disorders today. This, together with other conditions such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and autism, affects up to one in every 50 children worldwide. Children with ADHD, a neuro-developmental impairment, just can't sit still, have a short attention span and volatile mood, get into fights and often disrupt their classes.

The causes of ADHD are still relatively unknown. Some specialists view ADHD as a manifestation of genetic and environmental factors while some argue it to be a result of rogue genetics. Some have even blamed it on poor parenting, schooling, smoking, alcohol or drug use during pregnancy and prenatal trauma. Whatever the cause, ADHD presents a challenge not only for children but to their parents as well.

From a social viewpoint, ADHD children face difficulty modulating their emotions, experience lack of alertness and not able to manage their frustrations effectively. Cognitively, they face problems in organising information, regulate their actions and to sustain attention in completing tasks. In many cases, this results in the child performing badly in school.

Typical treatment options

Oral medication is the most popular method of intervention and is administered in either stimulant or non-stimulant variants.

Drugs such as methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin is the brand name), norepinephrine and dopamine are typically used to treat ADHD but have been denounced by critics as an easy-fix with no discernible long term resolution to the disorder. These drugs have also been linked to cardiovascular and nervous system disorders and other side effects in the child's later years.

Drug free solutions

Parents can help. There are some simple things parents can do to help their ADHD child.

Studies have shown that having a healthy diet and minimizing consumption of caffeine, sugar and junk food may help with ADHD. Here are some simple tips which may help:

  1. Advocate a low- or no-sugar diet
  2. Advocate a well-balanced whole-foods diet
  3. Ensure the children's intake of carbohydrates is balanced with protein. For example, they can have a piece of fruit and a handful of nuts for snack
  4. Research has shown that often, children with ADHD have one or more nutritional imbalances. Identifying and correcting these imbalances may improve the children's energy, focus, concentration and behavior dramatically.

It is also important for parents to take care of themselves and de-stress. They can only be effective parents if they are happy and in a positive frame of mind.

To find out more on how we can help your child with a totally natural and holistic solution, schedule an initial consultation with me today.