Dietary Recommendation
- By wellness_nurturing0201
- 10/02/2016
- No Comments
Experts agree that nutrition and lifestyle habits influence the homocysteine level (The American Heart Association, 2008; The American AcademyofFamily Physicians, 2008; Nabili, n.d.; Holford, 2004, p.142; Lipski, p.5).
To normalize the homocysteine level, Holford (2004) recommends his H Factor Diet, which is as follows: (p.143)
- Maximum four servings a week of lean meat; fish (not fried) at least three times a week; and if not allergic or intolerant, a serving of a soy-based food or beans at least five times a week. Eat less fatty meat.
- At least five servings of a variety of fruit or vegetables a day.
- Either have a clove of garlic, or take a garlic supplement daily.
- Limit or avoid use of salt
- Reduce tea and coffee consumption. Use herbal teas and grain coffees instead.
- Limit alcohol intake.
- Reduce stress.
- Stop smoking.
- Correct oestrogen deficiency.
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