
The Environment Working Group’s 2003 list shows onions as one of the foods least contaminated with pesticides (Bowden, 2007, p.53).

Research has confirmed that the allium vegetable family, which includes onions, has cancer-fighting properties (Bowden, 2007, p.52).

It is hypothesized that diallyl sulfide in onions increases the body’s production of glutathione-S-transferase, a cancer-fighting enzyme (Bowden, 2007, p.53).

Studies have shown onions importance in building strong bones (Bowden, 2007, p.53).

Onions may also reduce coronary heart disease mortality with other foods, including broccoli, tea and apples (Bowden, 2007, p.53).

Being powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and antiviral, onions have been shown to be beneficial to allergy and asthma sufferers. They contain many important flavonoids, especially quercetin, an anti-inflammatory which supports the immune system and improves prostate health (Bowden, 2007, p.53).

They also contain a host of sulfides, which may lower blood lipids and blood pressure (Bowden, 2007, p.53).

Onions contain a whole range of health-promoting compounds, including the smelly sulfur compounds; the stronger-tasting onions being superior (Bowden, 2007, p.53).

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