Managing Acid Indigestion

Indications and Causes of Acid Indigestion Acid indigestion is a problem affecting many people. Common indications include flatulence, bloating, and heaviness or heartburn after eating (Skeen, 2004). It causes extreme … Continue Reading →


AmericanAcademyof Family Physicians. (2008, July). Homocysteine Retrieved August 31, 2008, from American Heart Association. (2008, August 30). What is homocysteine? Retrieved August 31, 2008, from Holford, P. (2004). … Continue Reading →

Some Helpful Approaches for Reducing Homocysteine

The recommended nutrients, when taken together, have been shown to be more effective in reducing the homocysteine scores, than taken individually. With the recommended diet you can potentially half your … Continue Reading →

Special Cautions and Precautions

High homocysteine have been shown to actually cause heart disease (Holford, 2004, p.138). Lowering it removes the cause, and hence the risk. Those with a history of cardiovascular disease often … Continue Reading →

Nutritional Supplement Regime

Homocysteine levels are responsive to dietary supplements. It is possible for even high levels to be brought under control. Supplement a high-strength multivitamin and mineral daily. It should provide at … Continue Reading →

Dietary Recommendation

Experts agree that nutrition and lifestyle habits influence the homocysteine level (The American Heart Association, 2008; The American AcademyofFamily Physicians, 2008; Nabili, n.d.; Holford, 2004, p.142; Lipski, p.5). To normalize … Continue Reading →


Methylation is a biochemical event that activates changes in the body. Technically, it is the body’s ability to maintain chemical balance by adding or subtracting molecules called methyl groups when … Continue Reading →

Risk Factors

Experts believe that the ideal homocysteine level is below 6 units. (Holford, 2004, p.141) It is important to get tested if you have any of the following risk factors (Holford, … Continue Reading →

Expert’s Opinion

Elevated homocysteine levels, Nabili (n.d.) says, may be due to severe genetic causes or other milder causes. He says that in the genetic condition, homocystinuria, commonly found in childhood, an … Continue Reading →

Causes and Concerns

Studies show that without optimal amounts of B vitamins in your diet, your homocysteine level rises dangerously (Holford, 2004, p.136). Holford (2004) says that elevated homocysteine level increases the risk … Continue Reading →