Risk Factors

Experts believe that the ideal homocysteine level is below 6 units. (Holford, 2004, p.141) It is important to get tested if you have any of the following risk factors (Holford, … Continue Reading →

Expert’s Opinion

Elevated homocysteine levels, Nabili (n.d.) says, may be due to severe genetic causes or other milder causes. He says that in the genetic condition, homocystinuria, commonly found in childhood, an … Continue Reading →

Causes and Concerns

Studies show that without optimal amounts of B vitamins in your diet, your homocysteine level rises dangerously (Holford, 2004, p.136). Holford (2004) says that elevated homocysteine level increases the risk … Continue Reading →

Managing Your Homocysteine

What is Homocysteine? Homocysteine, made from the amino acid methionine, is produced by the body and found in the blood. It should normally be present in very low quantities (Holford, … Continue Reading →

Drug free solutions

Parents can help. There are some simple things parents can do to help their ADHD child. Studies have shown that having a healthy diet and minimizing consumption of caffeine, sugar … Continue Reading →

Typical treatment options

Oral medication is the most popular method of intervention and is administered in either stimulant or non-stimulant variants. Drugs such as methylphenidate hydrochloride (Ritalin is the brand name), norepinephrine and … Continue Reading →

How to Help My ADHD Child?

Understanding the ADHD child Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood psychological disorders today. This, together with other conditions such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and autism, … Continue Reading →


Managing Your Homocysteine levels Managing Acid Indigestion “Top 10” Best Foods List


How to Help my ADHD Child?

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